To me, my father was the cornerstone of the house...
My father wanted my life to be safe, full of love and happiness. A father always wants you to be happy, with nothing in return. My father was everything to me, a friend and brother and so many people. Indeed he was the one who made me happy. My father was having dialyses treatment. He used to go to the hospital twice a week. It was hard for me to see my father in such agony. I stayed in the house for long periods so I could be close to him. I cared for him. Feeding him, and helping him in showering himself.
We used to chat about my dreams, my future, the man I wanted to be with. My father knew I was very sensitive. He was angry during the time of his illness, but he knew how to comfort me every time I cried. He was upset at losing control, friends and his normality when he was battling with his illness for 5 years. But that was normal for his treatment. Anyone would feel the same in my father’s situation.
My father used to have lorries and often travelled overseas. I understood it would not be an easy life for us. We were 5 girls, by ourselves. Although the circumstances were difficult, my father didn’t stop the trips to the sea that we took every year. In 2007 my father passed away. I feel that I am surrounded by his soul. I feel I can tell him about my plans, and that he is here listening to me. One day in 2012 at 08:30 our area was under attack and our house was hit I was injured then taken to the hospital in Edleb over 1 hour away. I felt that my father was there watching over me.
I was both happy and sad because I imagined that my father was next to me, supporting me. When I went back home after I recovered, there was nothing left in the house. Our memories, special things I had kept; our photos with my father, they were all gone. I was totally devastated. The only think I could find was my father’s watch that he had loved so much. It was the same watch as my mother’s; they had bought them together when they got married. This watch witnessed a lot of my father’s life and his vulnerabilities. The watch accompanied my father in his travels, and it is 40 years old and is the only thing we manage to find in the rubble of the house. And it’s a memory of y beloved father and it came with me on my journey to stand as a reminder of who my father was. This watch will be with me for the rest of my life. Regardless of how much I prais my parents I will never be able to give them justice, they are great! I love you Dad. I wish for all fathers with their families around the world to be safe. I ask God to give them long life. I would like to thank my father and all fathers, for everything they gave and did for me. I will be grateful for them to the last day of my life.
حجر الزاوية
الأب هو السند الوحيد يلي ممكن نفقده بهل حياة بعد ربنا الأب هو عظمة البيت والحنان والمحبة هو الابتسامة ع وجهك هو يلي بريدك مبسوطة من دون أيّ مقابل…. وأبي كان رفيق وأخ وكلشي حلو بحياتي الي اكتر ما يكون متعلقه بي كلمة(أب) بي مرحلة العلاج تبعه (بابا كان مريض كلاوي) بأسبوع كان يروح مرتين على المشفى وبكل مرة يروح فيها حس روحي تروح معه… انا ك شخص متعلقه بأبوها جداً جداً لابعد الحدود انها تمر فترة طويلة ما اطلع من بيت كرمال اقعد معه وكون رجليه الذي بتساعده بلحمام وكلشي وحتى لما ياكل انا طعميه ونحكي عن كلشي وعن مستقبلي وعن الشب يلي بدو يدخل حياتي(ههه) كان يعرفني اكتر من أيّ تاني يعرف اني حساسه كنت ابكي من أي كلمة يعرف كيف يضحكني. بي مرحلة مرضه كان عصبي شوي ويفقد اعصابه وكان معه حق شخص عندو حياته ورفقاته فجاة يلاقي حاله قاعد بلبيت لمدة ٥ سنوات فجآة يصير ما يطلع غير المشفى،أي حدا بيمكانو رح يعمل هيك اكتر بابا كان عندو سيارات شحن كان يسافر لبرا البلد. هون استوعبت اني الدنيا رح ادخلنا بي مراحل صعبه والوقت رح يكون تحدي النا بس بابا ما حسسنا بهاد الشي …بس بي ٢٠٠٧ اتوفى بابا (الله يرحمه) بس الوقت مرق بسرعة معه ما قدرت اكبر معه وشاركه كتير اشياء حابه نعملها مع بعض …لما ارجعت على بيتنا بعد ما اتعرض للقصف ماقدرت لاقي شي من غرضنا او من غراضي الخاصة يلي كنت مخبيتها من ذكرياتنا من صورنا مع بابا وهاد الشي حرقلي قلبي اكتر .. لقدرت لاقي شغلة
وحدة منه وهي ساعته يلي كان يحبها كتير وتعنيلو كتير صح لاني جابها وقت اتجوز ماما وجابهم نفس بعض.. مجرد تفكير الوقت الطويل وعمر هل ساعة يلي مرت معه بكتير مواقف ضعف فيها ونحن بعيدين عنه(لما يكون مسافر) وكيف كنا عم نحسب الوقت نحن عمر الساعة ٤٠ سنة… اديش مرت ساعات معنها بقلبي عم يكبر اكتر لانها منه اديش مر وقت ولحظات من الفرح، الزعل وانتظار وانتصار كمان واهم شغلة بشوفها بحياتي لانها بقيت منه وسافرت معي…ورح ترافقني كل حياتي شقد ماحكيت عنها او عن بابا مارح يوصف كلام العالم ويكفيه لاني الاثنين اعظم وافخم من بعض.. بحبك بابا كتير ربنا يحمي كل أب ل ولاده ويطول بعمر جميع الآباء العالم وبشكر أبي وكل الأباء العالم على كلشي قدملي هو وعملو منشاني انا ممنه الك لاخر يومي بعمري. (بحبك كتير)