A Paperwork Exercise! Origami Workshop with Azmi Shoufan

It was a fantastic and busy start to our Celebrating Syria Festival 2018 with the “Origami” workshop and “Future Aleppo” in association with Fun Palaces. The Syrian artist Azmi Shoufan delivered the origami workshop on 6th October at Longsight Library. Born in Homs in 1994, Azmi left Syria in 2013 to Jordan to avoid forced military conscription. He taught himself origami using YouTube videos and meeting with some origami artists and friends. Azmi uses origami as a form of self-expression and to inspire young people that they can make amazing things from pieces of paper. The event was open to all, and everyone especially children enjoyed making models using only paper.
Azmi Shoufan
Azmi Shoufan

Born in Homs in 1994, Azmi left Syria in 2013 to Jordan to avoid forced military conscription. While in Jordan he became involved in youth development programmes including working with Generation for Peace organisation using arts and sport to build peace between Jordanian and Syrian youths.
He taught himself origami using YouTube videos and meeting with some origami artists and friends. He came to the UK in 2017 and he now works as a Youth Engagement Worker with Chorley Youth Zone (Inspire). Azmi continues to use origami as a form of self-expression and to inspire young people that they can make amazing things from pieces of paper.