Out of the detritus of war, a thing of beauty was born
On Saturday 22nd July 2017, we hosted the London Syrian Ensemble at Emmanuel Church, Manchester. The ensemble are a collective of some of Syria’s finest musicians. They include both newly arrived and long-term UK residents who either studied or taught in the eminent Damascus Conservatoire. They bring the sounds of Syria through a diverse repertoire of classical and traditional music. The ensemble includes oud, kanun, ney, violin, viola, double bass and percussion. It was a phenomenal evening which everyone enjoyed, accompanied by delicious Syrian food.
Rihab Azar – Oud
Raghad Haddad – Viola
Sanaa Wahbah – Qanun
Kaldoun Alnajad – Violin
Fajer Alabdalla – Double bass
Jamal Al Sakka – Arabic percussion
Louai Alhenawi – Ney/M.D